Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Just Books

That is what this blog is all about- Just Books.  It is my attempt to post about books I have just read and share my thoughts and feelings about them.  It is also my attempt to get myself to read more.  I love to read, but somehow I always fill my days with time consuming, useless things, like Facebook or reality TV.  So I had a thought; if I had a place to write about the books I have read, maybe I will actually begin to fill the free time I have with something productive, educational and fun-- like reading.  So here's to JB :) 

Book #1- The Fifth of March by Ann Rinaldi


  1. you know, JB also stands for Justin Bieber, our favorite :) Just thought you'd like to know

  2. Im glad you noticed :) thats why i named it that
